Supported car models
Is it very possible because the OBD cable, or little chance due to the device
OBD test cable testing method:
Step 1: Unplug the K518ISE main unit and tum it off
Step 2: Connect the DB25 cable(OBD cable)to K518ISE main unit, using a
multimeter and switch to the diode stalls
Pay attention that there are 3 connectors on the OBD cable
Connector 1: connect K518ISE OBD port
Connector 2: connect KPROG adaptor
Connector 3: connect the vehicle OBD port
Step 3: Use the red pen to touch the metal part(as shown in pic 2 in red)
Step 4: Use the black pen to test the resistance of each pin of the vehicle
connector(As shown in pic 3), make sure that you hold the vehicle connector
in the way just as the pic shows
PIN 1 and 8 should have no resistance: PIN2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10, 11,12,13, 14, 15, 16
should have resistance
If all have no resistance, then it will be DB25 cable has problem: if the
measurement is all as it supposed to be, and the car models(those K518ISE
supported models)still can't be connected, then you will need to send back the
DB25 cable and the main unit for Lonsdor to check(if so, let us know, and we
shall talk together about the solution and details