Lonsdor k518ise


How to use Lonsdor K518ISE for Jaguar XJ key programming?

How to:
Add new keys to Jaguar XJ 2013-2015
Program new keys to Jaguar XJ when all keys are lost
Done with Lonsdor K518ISE key programmer
Jaguar XJ 2013-2015

Jaguar XJ OBD location

Jaguar XJ remote

Remote sensor area, marked in red

Lonsdor K518 programmer adds new keys to Jaguar XJ 2013-2015

Lonsdor K518 programs new keys to Jaguar XJ when all keys are lost

1 At least 2 samrt keys are required for new key programming when all keys are lost
2 Smart key semsor is located to the left of the shift lever
3 press Unlock button when the system pops up message. If it reponds to nothing, press the button for 4 times.usually, you’ll hear sounds from the car when you press it for the 3rd time.

