Here you go.
The original key and new key to be programmed
In Lonsdor K518ise:
Select Immobilizer - Opel -immo
- select from vehicle - Vivaro (4A) - 2014-
Step 1: Read pin cpde
Ta funkcha moze odczytac kod pin pojazdu. Wymaga zapisu danych immobilizera podczas procesu, ktory trwa 30 minut.
Wlacz i wylacz zaplon, a nastepnie wlacz zaplon
Unpewnij sie ze bateria jest wystarczajaco....
(in English:
This function can read the vehicle's pin code. It requires the data of the immobilizer to be saved during a process that lasts 30 minutes.
Turn on and off the ignition, then turn on the ignition
Make sure the battery is enough ....)
Uzyskiwanie kodu pin...reflektory samochodowe maga pozostac slaczone!
Prosze wylaczyc zaplon
Weryfikuje kod pin...
Kod pin
Step 2: Program key
Ten proces spowoduje usuniecie istniejacych kluczy. Mozna zaprogramowac maksymalnie 4 klucze. Zdalne sterowanie generowane jest automatycznie po zaprogramowaniu kluczy
(In English: This process will delete existing keys. A maximum of 4 keys can be programmed. Remote control is generated automatically after programming the keys)
Prosze wlaczyc zaplon
(In English: Please turn on the ignition)
Prosze wlaczyc zaplon
(In English: Please turn on the ignition)
Current key count: 1
Confirm pin
Wloz oryginalny kluczyk samochodowy i wlacz zaplon
(In English: Insert the original car key and switch on the ignition)
Programowanie biezacego klucza
(In English: Programming of the current key)
Programowanie udane. Zaprogramowac nastepny klucz?
(In English: Successful programming. Program the next key?)
Prosze wlaczyc zaplon
(In English: Please turn on the ignition)
Prosze wlozyc klucz 2 i wlaczyc zaplon
(In English: Please insert key 2 and switch on the ignition)
Programowanie biezacego klucza
(In English: Programming of the current key)
Programowanie udane. Zaprogramowac nastepny klucz?
(In English: Successful programming. Program the next key?)
Wylacz zaplon, a nastepnie nacisnij “OK” aby kontynuowac
(In English: Turn off the ignition and then press "OK" to continue)
Current key count: 2
Programowanie zakonczone
(In English: Programming completed)
Step 3: Test the key
The new key is confirmed to work as well as the original