Lonsdor k518ise


How to use Lonsdor K518ISE to program BMW FEM/ BDC key

Lonsdor K518ISE key programmer manual: how to program BMW FEM/BDC key
Look here:
1- read key information: read out key data and prompt that if the immo need pre-processing
2- process FEM/BD system: backup original coding data, read out EEPROM, generate a service mode EEPROM data, do programming, backup original EEPROM data, restore coding codes
3- make a dealer key: set a key as an dealer key
4- enable a key: set a “disabled” key to “used”
5- disable a key: make a “used”or “lost”key “disabled”
6- delete a key: delete keys that are unnecessary or lost

Three steps: read key info-->pre-process FEM/BDC system-->make a dealer key

In details...
Step 1: read key info
MUST read key information first
Step 2: pre-process FEM/BDC system
1: OBD back up original coding data:
On the car or test platform, connect to FEM/BDC system, then back up original back up coding files via OBD
2: read out EEPROM backup data & generate a service-mode EEPROM:
-> Disassemble FEM/BDC module, find out chip 95128 or 95256, read EEPROM data using a ECU programming tool: VVDI-Prog, Orange5 and the like;
->Copy the EEPROM data into to the Lonsdor K518ISE customfile folder;
->Run the program, read original EEPROM data and generate a service-mode EEPROM, upload data of the service-mode EEPROM, write it into chip 95128 or 95256 with help of a ECU programmer
->Restore FEM/BDC system, supply battery to the car and connect via OBD

3: programming
->This step need to be done on the BMW FEM/BDC test platform;
->Make sure that Step 1 & 2 is finished
->Connect FEM/BDC system to power supply and connect to the OBD port
4: restore EEPROM data
-> disassemble FEM/BDC module, write original EEPROM data (Step 2) into chip 95128/95256
-> restore FEM/BDC system, connect to OBD
5: restore coding data
-> load the backup coding files (Step 1), restore coding information via OBD
6: pre-processing is complete.
Step 3: make a dealer key
1: Lonsdor K518ISE Programmer read out data, select the will-be key position
2: a “used”key to make a dealer key
All keys lost: enter 32bit ISN codes to make a dealer key
3: put the key near the car immo induction loop

4: detect the original key, read out immo data
5: put a new key near the car immo induction loop
6: detect the key key, key learn (don’t move the key, keep stable)
7: key learn is complete
Step 4: disable the key
1: Lonsdor K518ISE read out data, select the key ID position to disable
2: put a “used” key near the car induction loop
3: K518ISE system tries to connect to CAS, disable the key with current ID position, disable key successfully
Step 5: enable the key
1: Lonsdor K518ISE read out data, select the key ID position to enable
2: put a “used” key near the car induction loop
3: K518ISE system tries to connect to CAS, enable the key with current ID position, enable key successfully
Step 6: delete the key
1: K518ISE read out data, select the key ID position to delete
2: read FEM/BDC key password
3: delete the key successfully; the key position is blank
1: You must read key info before everything you’ll do
2: to pre-process FEM/BDC, you should pay attention to:
- backup coding codes to continue
- disconnect to the power supply/battery, have a ECU programmer to read EEPROM data, up load data in K518 customfile folder, read new EEPROM data loaded just now, generate service-mode EEPROM data, read service-mode EEPROM data, write data into the chip, install CPU on the car
- ECU programming: need 6 min, with power supply connected
- disconnect to the power supply, disassemble CPU, write the original EEPROM data into the chip, install CPU on the car, connect to the power supply, make sure communicate is successful
- upload coding files (Step 1), restore original coding info to pre-process, then make a dealer key
3: 32bit ISN codes is required to program a new key when ALL KEYS ARE LOST
Job’s done with Lonsdor K518ISE!

